

Post by 
Oleg Efimov


The quality of the retargeting system did not reach a high level of believable performance due to several reasons. The facial expressions of the character animation system were not anatomically correct by the time of the retargeting. Secondly, the daily neutral photogrammetry session was not available on the day of the performance. This lead to an experimental approach of creating a three dimensional model of the human face with the matrix of the allocated markers on the facial surface.


After the alignment of the photographs it is significant to undergo the procedure of constructing a digital identity of the character using the geometry with the deformation ready topology. This process is sometimes referred to as re-topologising or re-meshing. The basic principle is to morph the real-time capable mesh of the topology of the human face into the scan data. This is done by radio basis function, driven with the guide of manual landmark constraints. The markers are placed on both geometric surfaces with the knowledge application about the anatomy of the human face. This includes regions of the nasojugal and nasolabial groves and corners of the lips and eyes in order to communicate constraint differences between two surfaces.


To create a performance-compliant animation system for the character the facial expression of FACS and speech shapes has to be created based on the translation or wrapping procedure. Based on the example of the advanced facial character system, the generation of the facial expressions can be simulated based on the similar character. Depending on the topology structure this could be done directly as a delta shape or as a wrap deformation that would constrain one surface to the other. Depending on the result of the transfer method the fine sculpting of each facial expression has to take place. The cleanup and the sculpting time would depend on the quality of the facial geometry and the complexity of the individual expression.

The blend between the two methods is the approach for creation of the final height map that communicates the elevation and reflectivity information to the rendering engine. The specularity map can be achieved by the process of artistic painting over the highly detailed skin pore level surface to obtain a break-up of the specularity effect constrained with the cavity masking.


AVA or artificial visual apparatus refers to a method of approaching the creation of eyes in virtual agents by digital technology. The design of a digital eye has two angles of the investigation. One is concerned with the high quality data acquisition and construction of the scanner device for capturing macro details of the human eye. The second angle is based on the anatomical knowledge about the human eye structure prior to the practice of making digital doubles of actors. The shape of the eyeball is approximated based on the MRI data.

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