Post by 
Oleg Efimov


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Learn How To Kick-start A Career in Design And Get Paid Design Work Online in 14 Days Or Less!!!

THE acute line EXCLUSIVE
DIGITAL ART Collection


This is what our international family of clients say:

Technologies we use

Systems we deploy


How I went from Zero to 100K by living in Airbnb and running my own online business.

The revenue from the book distribution is directed by a fraction to help scale emerging CO₂ removal technologies from the atmosphere.
Stripe Climate
START WITH all-in-one

Design Service

AND this is

what you will EXPERIENCE

Explore tabs on the left to learn more

4 hours Hosted in English

The event is perfect for corporate audience and for individuals who are seeking to create a complete design package for their brand.

This could be a company, project or any type of commercial or the not for profit initiatives and organisations.

These are the clients we have been working with:

↳ Sony Play Station
↳ Soul Machines
↳ Siggraph 2015
↳ BBC News
↳ TEDx

And others ...

4 Hour Total Brand Design
Strategy Session

This is a risk free and highly affordable service to get you started with your project.

During the call we will develop the brand strategy. Around the positioning and transparency for your brand.

Focused on the design of the brand, a website and the information design.

Design Package Includes the Services:

↳ Brand Strategy
↳ Creative Direction
↳ Brand Naming
↳ Logotype Design
↳ Graphic Design
↳ Mood Board
↳ Branded Artwork
↳ Digital Platform Design
↳ 3D Design
↳ Web Design

Built to perform.

Flexible panels are perfect for building functional layouts.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Delivery &
the Ongoing Support

Your Website is published by the end of 4 hour session.

And a comprehensive brand book is sent to you within the 24 hours after the experience.

I will also work on your website and branded graphic design for a few days with some limited ongoing revisions.

We could talk about the future support if you require permanent website and brand work going forward.

And would prefer to continue working with the Design Studio.

At the moment we do this live event only once a month. If you are interested for a specific date(s) please contact me directly via the Airbnb platform.


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The MIT Press
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to deliver the high-end 3D dynamics.”
AgiSoft Metashape
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Reconstruction process. To Augment
our creative flare.”
Mocap X & iPhone Pro
“We use Face ID technology to create
motion effects based on real - world events. With a breeze of access.”